Friday, May 27, 2011

Egg Delicacy - A Sweet beginning to my NY food blogging :)

'Shubh Aarambh' - A Good Beginning, in fact a sweet beginning :)

This is my first recipe which i am posting after moving to NY and it is a sweet dish. In my earlier post i had mentioned all that i did since i came to NY. And now since the summer is here, our family has been planning on BBQ's and trips and camping and what not! Today, Friday, the whole family is going for BBQ and i am thrilled! Its my first here with Zuhair's family and i am so looking forward to it! Gonna miss my folks back home! Sigh!

As everyone is supposed to get one dish to the BBQ party (ofcourse other than the chicken), i thought lemme make something sweet which everyone would relish after a heavy BBQ'd meal! I decided on an Egg sweet dish - Ande ka Meetha!  I just got done with it and its tasting yummy ;)

Eggs - 8
Khova/ Mava / Milk powder - 200 Gms
Ghee - 2 Tbsp
Sugar - 16 tbsp ( i.e 1 egg= 2tbsp)
Almond & Cashewnuts - 1 cup ( Grounded)
Cardamom - 2 tbsp ( Grounded)
Pinch of Baking soda

Method :

1. Beat eggs well using a beater.

2. Once it is well done, Add Ghee, sugar and Khova and mix well. Use the beater itself.

3. Now add baking soda, Almond - Cashew powder, grounded cardamom and mix well.

4. Bake it in a microwave for around 20 mins or till done or Preheat oven and bake at 300 for around 45 mins or till done. Make sure you keep an eye on it to avoid getting a burnt dish ;)

Thats it! Tan tanaaaaaaaaaa! Your Sweet tooth is all ready for a feast :)

Hope it becomes a hit at the BBQ party today ;)


  1. Glad to see you back Mehnaz, hope u guys have well settled now in US..This sweet is quite new for me and interesting..

  2. Back with a bang with a yummy looking sweet...

  3. Welcome bak dear ~ Hope you are having fun here in the States :)
    The sweet looks absolutely delectable ~ I could eat that whole thing! :)
    US Masala

  4. Good to see u back dear..:-) Love the simple and yummy dessert..Hope it becomes a hit in the party:-)

  5. Welcome back:) The sweet treat is lovely and looks delicious.. Enjoy your days... new place, new adventures...:)

  6. Welcome Naaz. Nice recipe. Never heard about this before.

  7. sooo innovative...and looks yumm!
    wonder what kept you away for so have a lovely blog.
    I have a space too. do check when time permits...

    following you


  8. I'm really liking your writing style! Would love to try out this recipe. Looks delicious.

  9. Thank you so much for stopping in at my blog and entering the Blog Bash 2011 Giveaways! Good Luck to you. I'm also following your tasty blog and I LOVE the name of your blog.

    Have a super weekend and keep on cookin'!
    xoxo SusieQTpies

  10. Glad u r back!!! This looks delish Naaz!!! Keep rocking gurl!!
    Prathima Rao
    Prats Corner

  11. delicious looking sweet hope all is well in your end Inshallah

  12. Welcome back :) First time around your space.. :) Love it already.. I have to try this sweet dish.. :) Looks mouth-watering..

  13. Hi Naaz the pics are awsome and a nice recipe. Its similar to ande ka halwa. Glad to followyou do visit my blog in ur free time.

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